- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Dental anatomy and biology
- Dental instrumentation and equipment
- Preventive dentistry
- Cariology
- Isolation and gingival management techniques
- Direct restorations
- Preparation principles and techniques
- Restorative techniques
- CAD/CAM restorations
- Preparation principles and techniques
- Design
- Scanning
- Milling
- Processing
- Vital and non-vital bleaching
- Esthetics
- Finishing and polishing
- Dental materials
- Composite resins
- Glass ionomers, resin-modified glass ionomers
- Ceramics
- Ion-releasing
- Topical disinfectants
- Etchants/conditioners
- Adhesives
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Dental instrumentation
- Fixed Dental Prostheses
- Tooth-supported fixed restorations
- Biomechanical principles
- Tooth preparation principles and techniques
- Components
- Provisional restorations
- Laboratory procedures
- Veneers
- Removable Dental Prostheses and Complete Dentures
- Anatomical landmarks
- Survey and design
- Mouth preparation
- Components
- Impression techniques
- Provisional restorations
- Laboratory procedures
- Fabrication and insertion
- Articulation and occlusion
- Maxillomandibular relations
- Esthetics
- Dental materials
- Acrylics
- Metals
- Denture teeth
- Ceramics
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Periodontal anatomy and biology
- Periodontal microbiology
- Periodontal prognosis
- Non-surgical therapy
- Periodontal instrumentation
- Gingival surgical techniques
- Soft tissue grafting techniques
- Osseous surgical techniques
- Esthetics
- Periodontal disease and systemic health
- Chemotherapeutic materials
- Grafting materials
- Membrane materials
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Pulpal anatomy and biology
- Endodontic microbiology
- Endodontic instrumentation and file systems
- Cleaning and shaping techniques
- Obturation techniques
- Non-surgical therapy
- Apexification and apexogenesis
- Surgical therapy
- Dental trauma
- Management of non-surgical RCT complications
- Tooth fractures
- Chemotherapeutic materials
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS), Orofacial Pain (OFP)
- OMS diagnosis and treatment planning
- Head and neck anatomy
- Surgical armamentarium
- Surgical principles
- Wound healing
- Exodontia principles
- Management of surgical complications
- Odontogenic infections
- Dentoalveolar trauma
- Neuropathy
- Biopsy procedures and techniques
- OFP and Temporomandibular Disorders diagnosis and treatment planning
- Dental sleep medicine diagnosis and treatment planning
- Oral anxiolysis
- Oral sedation
- Local anesthesia
Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Developmental defects
- Teeth abnormalities
- Viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases
- Epithelial pathology
- Salivary gland pathology
- Odontogenic cysts and tumors
- Neoplasias
- Bone pathology
- Dermatologic diseases
- Oral manifestations of systemic diseases
- Pharmacology
- Patient evaluation and risk assessment
- Medically-compromised patient management
- Cardiovascular disease
- Pulmonary disease
- Gastrointestinal disease
- Genitourinary disease
- Metabolic and endocrine disease
- Immunologic disease
- Hematologic disease
- Oncologic disease
- Neurological and psychiatric disorders
- Geriatrics
Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Public Health
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Skeletal and dental classifications
- Cephalometrics
- Facial growth and development
- Mixed dentition space analysis
- Eruption Sequence
- Space maintenance and retainers
- Aligner therapy
- Behavior management
- Primary tooth restorative techniques
- Pulpotomy procedure
- Dental trauma
- Dental materials
- Sterilization and disinfection processes
- Air-, blood-, water-borne pathogens
- Standard precautions
- Infection control techniques
- Epidemiology of oral/systemic diseases
Implantology, Oral Radiology
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Periimplant anatomy and biology
- Implant surgical principles
- Implant augmentation and grafting techniques
- Implant-supported, fixed restorative principles
- Implant-supported, removable restorative principles
- Biomechanical principles
- Implantitis therapy
- Radiographic principles and techniques
- Intraoral radiography
- Extraoral panoramic radiography
- CBCT radiography
- Radiographic interpretation
- Radiographic pathology
- The content list is NOT all-inclusive but represents a general overview of specific topics within each discipline which may be examined on both the Written and Oral Examinations.
- For Dental Materials in each discipline, recommend understand the composition, mechanism of action, indications/contraindications, and application of particular materials
- Recommend refer to commonly accepted textbooks for foundational knowledge.
- Recommend refer to each specialties’ journal publication for updated guidelines, techniques, and evidence-based principles.